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Friday, March 4, 2011

Christmas Day

Christmas morning after the kids had opened their gifts and had breakfast someone rang our doorbell. Who in the world was at our door on Christmas morning? COLE and DALLIN!! Oh the kids were so excited. They came to stay with us for Christmas. We were thrilled to have these two special boys with us for the holidays!

Dallin kept hiding from me. Apparently he is a little camera shy! So I had to be sneeky and catch him quick! He and Ty were so cute together.

Tali looked so adorable in her Christmas outfit I couldn't stop taking pictures of her. Everyone got the biggest kick out of her cute boots. They fit her personality to the tee! She loved all the candy and was constantly raiding the stockings for more goodies. This picture of her was taken as she was opening up a roll of lifesavors, quietly in the dining room in hopes she wouldn't get caught.

All of the kids love getting new Christmas clothes. They always look so cute in a new outfit. Everyone got dressed after the morning festivities to go to Nana and Papa's for Christmas dinner, excited to show their new gifts to their cousins.

Christmas morning breakfast. We had egg and cheese quieche, bacon and homemade cinnamon rolls. Yumm! But even better than the food Jamie makes each Christmas and the thing that I appreciate the most is that we are all together. Every year at this time Jamie and I look around the table at Five smiling and excited faces and we feel the spirit of Christmas and the love we all have for each other, the true blessing of having such a beautiful family. We love being together and sharing in this special time of year with each other.

Halee opening her stocking and Talia trying to hold our Christmas kitten. We gave her to the kids a few days before Christmas because she kept meowing.....loudly. We were watching a movie one night and the kids said "What is that?", I told Halee to unmute the tv and turn it up quick. The kids asked "Mom, are you meowing?" and I smiled and said "yea, meow meow." It fooled them for a night and the next day Dillon, who I babysit told the kids, "you have a cat upstairs in Jamie's room." The secret was over, we were so close!!
Karokee time!! This was so fun, Mikayla was in heaven!

Tali's karokee (haha).

Dane and Ty really wanted to get each other a Tron Legacy disc. They fooled each other and said they didn't have time to order one, but then surprised each other when they showed up Christmas eve! They were so cute to each other for this gift. They each disguised their gift in wrapping to look as if it were a Nerf sword. This is what it is all about.....the LOVE!

Dane is so excited that he fooled Ty.

Tali is curious about her new ATV.

So magical. Dane and I stay up all hours of the night to get everything just right for Santa.

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